Asthma Attack Triggers

What triggers an asthma attack and the prevention is one of the question inquired by many sufferers According to research there are many factors that can trigger an attack.

Some of the common ones are :

Pollens and outdoor molds –

These are likely to trigger an asthma attack. In order to minimize the risk, use air conditioning if possible. Pollen counts are the highest during midday and afternoon, so try to stay indoors during these times. Stay away from things such as wet leaves or other garden material that may harbor mold and keep windows closed during seasons especially in spring when pollen and molds are the highest.

House dust mites –

Instead of using chemicals to kill dust mites, cover the mattresses and pillows with a breathable cover. Removing carpeting from your bedroom is one of best idea. You should wash your bed covers in hot water every week and the humidity in your house should be less than 50%.. Do not use a vacuum cleaner or be in a room when it is being vacuumed. However, if this is not possible then use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter, and wear a dust mask over your nose when you vacuum.

Animal dander –

The best advice is to find an alternative home for your pet. However for most of us, our pets are considered family members. In this case at the very least keep all pets out of your bedroom.

Cockroaches –

The very thought of these bugs sends a shiver up many spines and may cause an asthma attack. The most effective method is to use an insect spray to remove cockroaches from your home. The spray itself may me cause for concern to asthmatics, so someone else should spray your home when you are not at home. Open the windows to air out your home for a few hours after spraying. As a less effective but easier alternative, you may want to use roach traps.

Indoor molds –

Keep bathrooms, kitchens, and basements clean and well-aired. If you have a damp basement, use a dehumidifier which should be emptied and cleaned often. As mentioned previously, be sure to set the humidity level for less than 50% (but above 25%.)

Smoke –

Smoke from a wood-burning stove or a wood-burning fireplace may cause you to have breathing problems. If you are a smoker, QUIT ! Smoking will deprive all the good that your medicines do to control your asthma.

Colds and infections –

Stay away from people who have colds or the flu in order to lessen the chance of getting sick. Consult your doctor about getting a flu shot.

Other tips –

Replace or cover your pillows or mattress with bedding labeled “non-allergenic” and made of “urethane” or foam rubber. Decrease the amount of dust in your home and have the air ducts and vents in your house cleaned.

If you still do not have an ideal of what cause your attack after following these tips, keep a journal of information that consists of the time of your attack as well as what is around you when you experience breathing problems. 

Review your journal after a month and if you still cannot find the triggers of your asthma attack, it is time you have an allergy test done.


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