
Showing posts from December 4, 2019

New Asthma Medications

Progressively, researchers have learned many new things about asthma allergy. This progressiveness has led to new asthma treatments and treatments for allergic asthma . Asthma Allergen Immunotherapy* or Asthma Allergy Shots Immunotherapy* – (the prevention or treatment of disease with substances that stimulate the immune response) Asthma Allergen Immunotherapy or Asthma Allergy Shots decreases sensitivity to the things to which the person is allergic. It is a type of vaccination which increases the person’s resistance to the things causing their allergies. Generally,the allergy vaccines are made from pollens, mold spores, animal dander, dust mites and others. Allergy shots are helpful for nasal allergy, asthma and other allergies. Researchers are attempting to find new ways to give allergy vaccines. In the near future, vaccines may be nose sprays or drops under the tongue. Immunoglobulin* E (IgE) and anti-IgE Immunoglobulin* (any of a class of proteins ...

Best Asthma Medication

Depends on the severity of a person’s asthma. All with asthma should have a asthma rescue medication available, such as Albuterol(a bronchodilator (trade names Ventolin or Proventil) used for asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions; available in oral or inhalant forms; side effects are tachycardia and shakiness) for the quick relief of asthma symptoms. But, most of people with asthma also require a asthma controller medication.Controller medication are used to prevent asthma symptoms, and is taken daily regardless of how the person’s asthma condition. The best action initially is that every asthma patients must know if their asthma is controlled or uncontrolled and whether you should see your medical professionals so that a asthma controller therapy or a different asthma controller therapy can be prescribed. Once determined that a asthma controller therapy is required, there are various options to choose from.  These include inhaled steroids such as:- ...

Bronchoprovocation Challenge Testing

Basically,Bronchoprovocation Challenge Testing assists asthma healthcare providers make a diagnosis of asthma. Generally, you will inhale a nebulized solution or preform exercise to see if you develop symptoms of asthma or airflow obstruction measured by spirometry. If you develop either, your airways are hyperresponsive.  That is when your asthma healthcare provider may challenge you with the followings:- Methacholine (parasympathomimetic drug (trademark Mecholyl) that stimulates secretions and smooth muscle activity)  Histamine (Histamine is an organic nitrogen compound involved in local immune responses as well as regulating physiological function in the gut and acting as a neurotransmitter. Histamine triggers the inflammatory response.)  Cold Air Exercise FEV1 greater 80% of predicted= normal FEV1 60% to 79% of predicted = Mild obstruction FEV1 40% to 59% of predicted = Moderate obstruction FEV1 less than 40% of predicted = Severe obstruction Moderate...

Asthma Doctor

Communication between you and your doctor are very important for understanding and caring your asthma. Normally, most of you will leave after your doctor’s appointment feeling confused. Does all the different instructions to care for your asthma frustrate you? Do you worry that you are not taking your asthma medications correctly and the possible side effects that might result? If your answers are yes to any of these questions, the following tips and techniques to improve your communication will help you understand what you need to know, and what you need to do to be an informed, involved patient. Generally,many patients find their health care confusing. In order for you to have optimal asthma care, your doctor needs you to be informed, understand, and then act on certain parameters to keep your asthma under control and stay healthy. Asking the right questions to your doctor, nurse, pharmacist and other medical providers can assist you better understand what you need to k...

Asthma Medications Side Effects

This article is the continuation from Side Effects Of Asthma Medications first part. Side Effects Of Cromolyn Sodium And Nedocromil These medicine are considered alternative treatments for patients with mild persistent asthma and can be used to prevent asthma symptoms if you know you will have an allergen exposure and use the medication in advance or beforehand. Cromolyn sodium and Nedocromil are generally well tolerated with most side effects decreasing with continued use under immunization(the act of making immune). Make sure to tell your medical healthcare professionals if side effects do not resolve or become bothersome.  Side effects include:-  Bad taste in mouth Cough Itching or Sore Throat Headache Sneezing or Stuffy nose Inform your doctor promptly if you experience:-  Shortness of breath Wheezing Side Effects Of Xolair Xolair, one of the immunomodulators (medications that can increase or suppress immune responses of the body), is g...

Asthma Medications Side Effects

In every Asthma Medications there are a some asthma medication side effects that you need to know.While asthma medication side effects prevent some people from actually taking their medication, asthma medications in general are well tolerated.  But, knowing your asthma medication side effects is an essential part of caring for your asthma. Asthma medication side effects can often be prevented, but it is equally important to know which asthma medication side effects you need to urgently seek care for and which ones you can monitor at home. Inhaled Corticosteroids Asthma medication side effects for inhaled corticosteroids happens as:- Local adverse effects – in only one area of the body Systemic effects – throughout the body Local side effects of Inhaled Corticosteroids Meanwhile local side effects can be very annoying and bothersome, they are normally not serious. Nevertheless, there are simple steps you can take to prevent these local side effects. Rea...

Asthma Inhalers Children

Inhaler With A Spacer Asthma inhalers are the easier way to get asthma medications to a child’s lungs. While a nebulizer might be convenient to use, many parents and kids do not like the lengthy time it takes to deliver an asthma treatment. While more convenient asthma inhalers must be used properly, requiring caution, if they are needed to be effective. That can be simplified by combining a asthma metered dose inhaler with a spacer or a spacer with a mask, but this too must still be used correctly. An asthmatic will not be able to get away from using an asthma inhaler as some asthma medications are only available as an inhaler. For example, while there are nebulized forms of Albuterol, Levalbuterol (Xopenex), and Pulmicort (Budesonide), most other medications to treat asthma are only available as inhalers. Asthma Inhalers And Their Types Mainly there are two types of asthma inhalers, including the older metered dose inhalers (MDI) that many people are familiar with, a...

Controlling Child’s Asthma

Asthma is the commonest childhood illness, affecting many children globally. And statistically, for many children asthma is a chronic illness, causing asthma symptoms that come and go throughout the year, leading to frequent asthma attacks, poor sleep, missed school days, emergency visits to a doctor and even hospitalizations. With good guidance long term asthma treatment, many of these children can have their asthma under better control, so that they rarely have asthma symptoms or bad asthma attacks. Long term asthma treatment usually include:-  An asthma action plan, which outlines which asthma medications your child should take and when child should take them and may include using peak flows to recognize when your child is having an asthma attack. Education about the proper use of asthma medications, recognizing asthma symptoms and early signs of an asthma attack Education about identifying and avoiding asthma triggers,such as dust mites, mold, pet dander, smok...

Asthma Pregnancy

Asthma And Pregnancy Pregnancy asthma may not seem like a positive combination to an expectant mother.Do not worry if you have asthma and are thinking of becoming pregnant or just found out that you are expecting be rest assured.If you continue to manage your asthma well, there is no reason that asthma in pregnancy will keep you from having a normal and a healthy baby. But, asthma during pregnancy can cause serious complications for both you and your infant if it is not controlled and managed properly. So, it’s very essential that you take a proactive approach to your asthma during your pregnancy months, so that you and your baby stay healthy. Can Pregnancy Affect Asthma Generally,the effect of pregnancy on asthma is unpredictable. Studies have shown that slightly over a third of women will have their asthma symptoms worsen during pregnancy. Another third will stay the same, and slightly under a third of women will actually experience improvement in their asthma in pregnanc...

Monitoring Asthma Symptoms

Monitoring Asthma Symptoms Generally,to gain or keep control of your asthma, it is important to monitor asthma symptoms. As the saying goes – that which cannot be measured, cannot be changed so you will have difficulty getting control of your asthma if you do not monitor asthma symptoms. Mostly,patients do not understand how important it is to monitor asthma symptoms on a regular basis. Asthma patients who regularly monitor asthma symptoms use less asthma medication and have fewer visits to the doctor compared to asthma patients who do not monitor their asthma symptoms.  Pediatric asthma patients who often monitor asthma symptoms, have fewer symptoms compared to children who do not monitor asthma symptoms or peak flows. So,it’s very important that both adults and children to have an asthma action plan to monitor asthma and then take appropriate action. Your medical professional healthcare provider may base your asthma action plan on either asthma symptoms or peak fl...

Pregnancy Asthma

Pregnancy Asthma And Delivery This article is a previous continuation from Pregnancy Asthma. As mentioned in the above previous article, very few women who have asthma during pregnancy have difficulty with asthma symptoms or asthma attacks during labor and delivery. But just in case, it’s a good idea to have an up-to-date Asthma Action Plan to guide you and your medical healthcare providers, so that fast action can be taken.  It’s also essential that fetal monitoring (monitoring of the baby before birth-this usually refers to monitoring of the fetal heart beat. ) be done during labor. For less risk mothers with good asthma control, twenty minutes of electronic fetal monitoring right after you get to the hospital in labor is usually adequate. Effects Of Asthma On Your Newborn Infant  Stop smoking (if you are a smoker) and /or keep your child from regular exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke Keep your house as allergen free as you can Keep your baby’s weight withi...

Avoiding Asthma Triggers

Asthma triggers can prompt the process of increased inflammation in your airways, causing worsening asthma symptoms. So it’s very essential to know what these asthma triggers are and how you can work to towards preventing them.Below explanations are the main and common indoor triggers besides various triggers. Environmental Tobacco Smoke Or – ETS If you are a smoker and got a asthma patient in the house you should not smoke in your home or allow anyone else to,but if you yourself are an asthmatic then it’s advisable to stop smoking to have a better asthma control.  For some people, the smell of tobacco smoke alone may trigger the immune response that begins the process of inflammation that results in runny nose, watery eyes, sinus congestion, lower peak flows, wheezing and shortness of breath. Unfortunately, many asthmatics are current smokers and many children have their asthma worsened by environmental tobacco smoke statistically. Animal Dander Whatever you...

Asthma Signs

Signs Of Asthma Generally not all experiences the signs of asthma in the same way. Some people may experience all the signs of asthma while others may experience just one. Just because you experience one of the signs of asthma, you don’t necessarily have an asthma diagnosis.  Finally, you may experience atypical (means something that is irregular or not ordinary) signs of asthma, different from the ones mentioned here, or you may experience these asthma signs differently from how others experience the signs of asthma. The signs of asthma :- Coughing It is one of the typical signs of asthma, especially if it is worse at night or if it makes it more difficult to sleep.  Wheezing This sign of asthma is the whistling (emit a clear, high-pitched sound by forcing breath ) or squeaky (tending to produce a high-pitched sound or squeak) sound that you might hear when you breathe. Wheezing is most commonly heard when you breathe out, but can also be heard when you breath...

Environmental Tobacco Smoke

Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Environmental tobacco smoke or ETS effects in Adults More often asthma exacerbations Increased severity of asthma exacerbations Increased lung infections like bronchitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes) and pneumonia (lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection) Environmental tobacco smoke or ETS effects in Children Decreased lung function, recurrent wheezing, and development of asthma among babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy Increased number of asthma cases among children exposed to ETS Increased level of asthma severity and poorer asthma control Decreased lung function More inflammation in the lung Increased daytime and nighttime asthma symptoms More frequent exacerbations More visits to the doctor and hospitalizations More intubations (tube inserted in the mouth/nose to provide artificial breathing) More episodes of bronchitis and pneumonia during the first two years of life Slo...