Asthma Signs
Signs Of Asthma
Generally not all experiences the signs of asthma in the same way. Some people may experience all the signs of asthma while others may experience just one. Just because you experience one of the signs of asthma, you don’t necessarily have an asthma diagnosis.
Finally, you may experience atypical (means something that is irregular or not ordinary) signs of asthma, different from the ones mentioned here, or you may experience these asthma signs differently from how others experience the signs of asthma.
The signs of asthma :-
It is one of the typical signs of asthma, especially if it is worse at night or if it makes it more difficult to sleep.
This sign of asthma is the whistling (emit a clear, high-pitched sound by forcing breath ) or squeaky (tending to produce a high-pitched sound or squeak) sound that you might hear when you breathe. Wheezing is most commonly heard when you breathe out, but can also be heard when you breathe in.
Chest Tightness
At times this sign of asthma can be false and be something else. There are a number of different things that cause chest tightness. If it feels like something is sitting on or squeezing your chest, you should talk to your doctor under consultation.
Shortness of Breath
You may feel like you can’t catch your breath, or you may get out of breath when you experience this sign of asthma. Some patients describe this as feeling like they can’t get air out of their lungs.
Causes Of Asthma
If you experience the signs of asthma, you may also wonder what causes them. While the exact cause of asthma is unknown did to-date under research, we do know a lot about its risk factors. Nevertheless,further research is still ongoing.
Asthma Diagnosis
If you experience the signs of asthma, your doctor will make a diagnosis based on your medical history, a physical exam, and a number of different tests.
Tests may include the followings:-
- Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR)
- Spirometry
- Bronchoprovocation Challenge Testing
- Chest x-ray (a chest x-ray is an x-ray of the chest, lungs, heart, large arteries, ribs, and diaphragm)
Asthma Treatment
One concern when you experience the signs of asthma is that while there are good treatments for asthma, there is no asthma cure.
Good asthma treatment are:-
Prevent asthma symptoms
Prevent asthma attacks and reduce emergency situations and hospitalization
Allow you to maintain your normal life and involve in activities
Decrease your need to use your rescue inhaler
Avoiding Triggers
Triggers are things that can cause you to experience signs of asthma or worsen your asthma symptoms. If you educate yourself to avoid your asthma triggers you may not experience the signs of asthma.
Monitoring the Signs of Asthma
Once you have been diagnosed with asthma, monitoring becomes very essential. You should discuss monitoring with your medical healthcare professionals and go through our related topics further and develop an asthma action plan to tell you what to do when you develop symptoms.
In Poor Asthma Control
Your asthma may be getting worse if:-
- Your symptoms are increasing in frequency
- You’re able to do less daily chores/work
- Your missing work or school(kids)
- Your peak flows are decreasing
- You’re using a rescue inhaler more often or it doesn’t seem to work as well
- You need to go to the emergency department or visit your doctor because of an asthma attack
Once you experience any of these signs above under average that’s an indication that your asthma is worsening, make sure to consult your doctor/medical healthcare providers for a asthma treatment.
Decreasing Exposure to Asthma Triggers Is an Important Part of Your Treatment.
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