
Showing posts with the label Asthma In Pregnancy

To Treat or Not To Treat: The Truth behind Asthma Treatment during Pregnancy

Bronchial Asthma is the most common problem that affects the lungs during the course of pregnancy. Approximately, 8% of pregnant mothers suffer from asthma attack. Several mothers are worried because of the physiologic changes in their body that may interact to this condition or how asthma can affect the developing fetus. However, with prompt treatment pregnant mother can have normal respiratory rate, uncomplicated pregnancy and able to deliver a normal and healthy baby. This simply tells everybody that unmanaged asthma during pregnancy has greater risk of getting complications compare to those pregnant mother who are taking medications to treat and control the condition. Therapy related to asthma during pregnancy has the most efficient outcome if the pregnant mother avails regular interventions and practices. In cases where women have asthma before becoming pregnant, they need to discuss their condition with the obstetrician. They need to understand the purpose of taking m...

Asthma Pregnancy Breastfeeding

Asthma is in fact one of the common disorders that can develop in the period of pregnancy. It is also one of the most serious disorders that can develop during pregnancy. Since it is state where the hampering of the most vital process of respiration is concerned it should never be neglected and adequate measures should be taken to relieve the situation. There is no evidence that suggests any increase in incidents of spontaneous abortions or development of congenital deformities in pregnant ladies with asthmatic condition. Generally the available statistics show that the asthmatic ladies who get pregnant have worsening of their disease in about one-third of the cases.  Anther one-third patients show no changes in their conditions and the last one-third show signs of getting better. It is a very rare incident that an asthma patient has complications due to her condition while child birth. In most situations women return to their normal condition of the disease in between ...

Asthma Pregnancy

All kind of people have different asthma symptoms. This catchy is true for mothers-to-be, too. Your asthma may be mild, moderate, or severe. Mild asthma causes only an occasional attack, with few symptoms in between. If you have moderate asthma, you often get attacks more than twice a week, and you have harder time breathing. Severe asthma causes an asthma attack almost every day and a chronic cough or difficulty breathing. The severity of your asthma determines how much medication, monitoring, and trigger avoidance you need to do. Asthma is hard to predict. If you’ve had asthma during an earlier pregnancy, you might have a similar experience (in symptoms, medication, etc.) this time around. On the other hand, some women who’ve never had asthma develop it for the first time while pregnant. Meanwhile, about a third of women with asthma get worse during pregnancy. Why? Researchers aren’t sure. They do know, however, that several common conditions during pregnancy can aggravat...

Asthma Pregnancy

Pregnancy towards a new child on the way, any woman will be very excited. There will be lots of changes in the family. A nursery is in order and you have a lot to look forward to. Concern over asthma in pregnancy is a legitimate concern and one you need to be aware of if you suffer from asthma. Asthma is one of the most common conditions in our globally today, and allergies are the most common cause for this condition. This article will take a look at asthma in pregnancy and explore some causes, and what you might expect as you get further along in your pregnancy. We will also discuss what asthma in pregnancy can do to your unborn child. Asthma is hereditary, so if someone in your family suffers from asthma, chances are, someone else will too. This is something to think about for your unborn child. If you suffer from asthma, they may have the same problem. Asthma in pregnancy is common for someone who already suffers from it. It is true that while you are pregnant, your hor...

Asthma Pregnancy

Asthma is one of the most common potentially life-threatening condition complicating pregnancy. It is estimated that currently, asthma affects 4% to 8% of pregnant women and is increasing steadily. In general well controlled asthma is not associated with a higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes and it seldom occur for the first time during pregnancy. The most common cause of asthma in pregnancy is due to non-compliance with medicines. It is seen that during pregnancy, about one third of the asthmatic pregnant women experience their asthma symptoms and condition worsen. However, one third of the asthmatic women feel better during pregnancy. Asthma exacerbation are more frequent at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy and improves a few weeks before labor. It also shows that during pregnancy 10% of the pregnant women suffering from asthma seek emergency care. Oxygen is important for the well being of the mother and the fetus. Every pregnant woman needs a prope...

Pregnancy Asthma Prevention

Many complications the body undergoes when pregnant. The rising and falling hormone levels, pains, nausea, and headaches are just some of the things that women have to go through while carrying their child. Adding asthma into the mix doesn’t help the situation at all, and it can present a difficult situation for you and your baby as your pregnancy continues to term-prevent asthma. If you have asthma and are pregnant, the major changes in your hormone levels can also change your asthma symptoms for better and for worse. If you do have an asthma attack during pregnancy, most inhaled medications can be used, however if you take pills to help with your asthma, they may have to be halted temporarily while pregnant. Readily to avoid an asthma attack during pregnancy, here are some steps to follow. Avoid exposure to allergens, including pet dander, house dust, tobacco smoke or strong perfumes.  Use mattress covers and pillows with special casings to reduce the amount of du...

Childhood Asthma Symptoms

Asthma symptoms can be very difficult to detect because they are more-less similar to allergy and cold symptoms. This is also the reason why asthma in children is usually misdiagnosed. In this article you will be thought how to identify the symptoms of childhood asthma and also the treatment used for asthma today. What is Asthma? Asthma is an inflammation of the airways. Airway in the lungs become over sensitive due to asthma. It results in wheezing, coughing and difficulty breathing. Childhood asthma is now the most common chronic childhood illness. Asthma Symptoms As mentioned above asthma results in wheezing when exhaling, coughing and difficulty breathing. It also results in chest tightness and chest congestion. Reasons why it can be hard to diagnose is because children who are suffering from asthma are usually always short of breath during and after playing, but so are asthma free children. Asthmatic children never really recover fully after a respiratory infection or...

Asthma Treatment Option

There are various types of treatments for asthma today in the market. People who suffer from the breathing disorder have quite a few options to consider. However this option is not suitable for pregnant person. Doctors can prescribe a number of medications that prove to be successful in reducing the symptoms associated with the disease. In a woman’s life, one of the most exciting times is when she is expecting a baby. During this period, the pregnant woman goes through a lot of emotional and physical changes which are unexpected and uncomfortable. A woman can have sleepless nights, become irritable and also feel sick. Breathing problems, in addition to all the other symptoms of pregnancy can really be a burden. Appropriate asthma treatments that can be administered during pregnancy can put the woman’s mind at ease. However, finding asthma treatments is not always so easy especially if you are pregnant. Asthma is quite common in every countries around the world. Anyone w...

Asthma Pregnancy

Asthma And Pregnancy Pregnancy asthma may not seem like a positive combination to an expectant mother.Do not worry if you have asthma and are thinking of becoming pregnant or just found out that you are expecting be rest assured.If you continue to manage your asthma well, there is no reason that asthma in pregnancy will keep you from having a normal and a healthy baby. But, asthma during pregnancy can cause serious complications for both you and your infant if it is not controlled and managed properly. So, it’s very essential that you take a proactive approach to your asthma during your pregnancy months, so that you and your baby stay healthy. Can Pregnancy Affect Asthma Generally,the effect of pregnancy on asthma is unpredictable. Studies have shown that slightly over a third of women will have their asthma symptoms worsen during pregnancy. Another third will stay the same, and slightly under a third of women will actually experience improvement in their asthma in pregnanc...

Pregnancy Asthma

Pregnancy Asthma And Delivery This article is a previous continuation from Pregnancy Asthma. As mentioned in the above previous article, very few women who have asthma during pregnancy have difficulty with asthma symptoms or asthma attacks during labor and delivery. But just in case, it’s a good idea to have an up-to-date Asthma Action Plan to guide you and your medical healthcare providers, so that fast action can be taken.  It’s also essential that fetal monitoring (monitoring of the baby before birth-this usually refers to monitoring of the fetal heart beat. ) be done during labor. For less risk mothers with good asthma control, twenty minutes of electronic fetal monitoring right after you get to the hospital in labor is usually adequate. Effects Of Asthma On Your Newborn Infant  Stop smoking (if you are a smoker) and /or keep your child from regular exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke Keep your house as allergen free as you can Keep your baby’s weight withi...

Bronchial Asthma Treating Herbal Plants

Bronchial Asthma Asthma occurs to people who have problems with swollen airway. It occurs when the bronchus of the lungs failed to broaden its opening. As a result, people with this condition suffer from difficulty or shortness of breathing. There are treatment modalities which are used for people with asthma. However, not everyone has tolerance with these treatments. To simplify it, asthma clients with allergic reactions to pharmaceutical drugs are given with other alternative treatments. One of this is the herbal supplements. Wild Licorice This herb is known to have anti-inflammatory effects. However, taking of this herb should be done with strict precautionary measure. Large doses of wild licorice can increase the blood pressure (hypertension). The roots of this herb are the most potent treatment for bronchial asthma. It improves the breathing pattern by dilating the bronchus. People with allergic reactions to corticosteroids can use the wild licorice root. Cocoa The m...

Asthma Treatment during Pregnancy

Bronchial Asthma is the most common problem that affects the lungs during the course of pregnancy. Approximately, 8% of pregnant mothers suffer from asthma attack. Several mothers are worried because of the physiologic changes in their body that may interact to this condition or how asthma can affect the developing fetus.  However, with prompt treatment pregnant mother can have normal respiratory rate, uncomplicated pregnancy and able to deliver a normal and healthy baby. This simply tells everybody that unmanaged asthma during pregnancy has greater risk of getting complications compare to those pregnant mother who are taking medications to treat and control the condition. Therapy related to asthma during pregnancy has the most efficient outcome if the pregnant mother avails regular interventions and practices. In cases where women have asthma before becoming pregnant, they need to discuss their condition with the obstetrician.  They need to understand the purp...

Asthma Intimate Relationship

According to Sigmund Freud , a psycho-sociologist, he explained that sex (coitus) belongs to the physiologic needs of a person. Moreover, several sexual therapists also believe that this intimate activity serves as a form of active exercise, which can promote physical and psychological health. However, sex is always an issue for people suffering from bronchial asthma. As a matter of fact, asthmatic individuals may suffer from altered sexual needs and later can affect their marital relationship. Is sex safe for asthmatics? This is the most common question that may preoccupy the thoughts of an asthmatic person. But this question is often raised by them because of the stigma it generates to an individual’s self-esteem. Furthermore, physicians are not including this issue during the consultation process. As a result, it is often disregarded and may lead to solitary isolation caused by inability to enjoy sexual intercourse. Current Trends of Sex and Asthma Accordi...

Asthma during Pregnancy

Pregnancy – is the state where women conceives and carries the fetus inside their womb for 9 months. During pregnancy, the woman may encounter several physiologic changes in their body including the respiratory system.  Pregnant moms may feel tired, cranky and uncomfortable especially during the third trimester (7 th  – 9 th  month) and it is considered normal. However, there are cases wherein asthma attack occurs during the course of pregnancy and once it happens, that could be life-threatening. Bronchial asthma is very common is U.S. and other urbanized countries. Pregnant women with asthma expect an untimely attack (exacerbation) anytime during pregnancy. These include the manifestations of dyspnea (difficulty of breathing), presence of wheezing when breathing and cough. Furthermore, asthma attack during pregnancy can affect the well-being of the developing fetus. The oxygen supply of the fetus depends on the amount of oxygen inhaled by the mother. In this...