Asthma Doctor
Communication between you and your doctor are very important for understanding and caring your asthma. Normally, most of you will leave after your doctor’s appointment feeling confused. Does all the different instructions to care for your asthma frustrate you? Do you worry that you are not taking your asthma medications correctly and the possible side effects that might result?
If your answers are yes to any of these questions, the following tips and techniques to improve your communication will help you understand what you need to know, and what you need to do to be an informed, involved patient.
Generally,many patients find their health care confusing. In order for you to have optimal asthma care, your doctor needs you to be informed, understand, and then act on certain parameters to keep your asthma under control and stay healthy. Asking the right questions to your doctor, nurse, pharmacist and other medical providers can assist you better understand what you need to know, and what you need to do to get control of your asthma.
Professionally it is recommended that you ask your medical healthcare professional providers these three vital questions:-
1) What is my main problem?
You may know that your asthma is not under optimal (best or most favorable) control, but why? Am I taking my asthma medications incorrectly? Do I have allergies? Do I need to avoid more triggers? If you don’t know the main reason your asthma is under poor control, it is difficult to do anything about it. Asking your doctor specifically why your asthma is not under good control is the first step to improving clear communication and improving your asthma.
2) What do I need to do?
Once you understand what your main problem is, you can take the subsequent step to do something about it. Asking your doctor – What do I need to do – will provide you some specific strong steps to get better control of your asthma. It is essential that you understand and discuss with your doctor if you do not. The following tips below can help you improve clear communication if you do not understand.
3) Why is it important for me to do this?
While it is common to put off or ignore the things that do not seem immediately important to you.If you do not understand why some aspect of your asthma care is important, you are not likely to achieve good asthma control.
If you ask and understand the answers to these 3 questions you will be on your way to better caring for your asthma.
You Might Ask -What if I ask the three questions, but still do not understand?
If you do not understand what you need to do make sure you tell your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist .If you don’t understand what you need to do, you will not be able to favorably care for your asthma and might end up in an emergency care as a result.
If you do not understand, you might say – I want to make sure I understand – and repeat back to your medical healthcare provider so he can confirm your understanding. Alternatively,you might say -this are all new information to me, can you explain it to me again so I can make sure I understand. Or otherwise professionally it is recommended that you try the following:-
- Bring a family member or friend to act as a second pair of ears.
- Make a list of questions or concerns to discuss with your doctor beforehand.
- Ask your pharmacist if you have questions about how to take your asthma medications.
Clear Communication is a Key to Getting Your Asthma Under Control.
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