Asthma Types-How Intense Is Yours?
Asthma? Have you attempted to explain to your family and friends how intense your asthma attacks can be? Many people believe that asthma attacks fall into one category as far as intensity and discomfort. They do not understand that you could still have asthma even if you don’t experience extreme gasping or need to reach for an inhaler each day. Asthma falls into four main categories of intensity for all different asthma types. These asthma types apply to allergic, non-allergic, exercise induced, occupational, and aspirin induced asthma. What are the four main categories of intensity with regards to asthma? The four categories include mild intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent, and severe persistent. These categories were defined by the National Institutes of Health in their guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma. Let’s take a look at each intensity level in more detail. Intensity Level #1: Mild Intermittent. This intensity level is catego...